It’s finally happened – I’ve become my grandmother. I hear my brother’s voice in my head, “Grandma mows her lawn in the morning, and cooks it for dinner.” We all thought it was hysterical, because it was sort of true, and (we all thought) a little strange. But now, I’m doing the same thing. This year I’ve had such a difficult time getting greens started, I’m thrilled to have a volunteer crop of delicious, young, wild greens.
Some of the lamb’s quarters are getting too big for a salad ingredient, and much to Don’s dismay, growing like weeds in the lawn. So I picked (pulled up) a huge container of them, and cooked it for dinner! It tastes remarkably like tender spinach. I decided to saute garlic and ginger, then add the lamb’s quarters and a little broth. After it cooked down, I add salt, pepper, and spices. You just have to try it. It’s unbelievably good. And the best news is that there’s no end to this crop right now.