It’s a new year and I think most of us try to figure out ways to make our lives better with the beginning of each year. If you’ve been visiting regularly, you know I’m a big advocate of exploring as many different health viewpoints, philosophies, etc. to make the best decisions about your own well being, and what’s going to work for you.
Dr. Mercola has pretty controversial ideas about conventional medicine. Nevertheless, there is logic in much of what he recommends. To read his Alternative Health Guide, click here.
There’s not much I like about really cold winters. I’m a big fan of not living where water freezes, since 55% – 78% of my body is water. So obviously heat in the winter is a very good thing, and what produces heat? I’m glad you asked, why cooking of course (what a segue)! Once more I have more reasons to cook at home, because it’s a really smart way to save money and stay healthy.
- It saves money by helping heat the house. Additionally, I’ll spend less on take-out.
- It keeps me healthier. I control the quality of my food. Plus, when I cook, it helps keep some humidity in the air which keeps my skin from drying and keeps my respiratory system in better shape.