I wanted to make a trip to Calvert to the Epps Family Farm, and we had a great day trip on Monday. Frank and Jane Epps have a fabulous farm where they raise Large Black Hogs, chickens, geese, guinea hens, donkeys, longhorns, blackberries, melons, and vegetables. Don and I really wanted to see if we wanted to raise hogs, and also buy some pork. I really couldn’t have imagined a better way to spend the day. After touring the farm, Jane invited us in for a piece of pecan pie and coffee. Now, I’m not that fond of pecan pie, because it’s usually too sweet, but Jane made the best pecan pie I’ve ever tasted, hands down. And Sarah, their daughter, will entertain you while you visit. She’s precious. Her fashion choice, the day we were there, was her pink bathing suit and boots, as you’ll see in the picture.
My fascination with Large Black Hogs began Thanksgiving, when my brother was supposed to bring his La Caja China roaster to cook a whole pig. The operative words being “supposed to” because he and the roaster never made it. But while I was anticipating his visit, I did some research and discovered the Epps Farm, and Frank said he would sell me a pig that weighed under 100 lbs. It’s a heritage breed, and is supposed to be the most delicious and succulent. My mouth is watering just talking about it! Don and I decided we might just have to buy our own La Caja roaster. In the meantime, we left the farm that day with loads of fabulous pork (and some beets). I’ll be going back soon. It’s a great drive, and so worth it for the quality you get.

On the way back through Calvert, we stopped at Cocoamoda. I really wanted to eat there, but only their chocolate shop was open, so we bought truffles, of course. Cocoamoda has a reputation for having wonderful food, but the restaurant is only open on weekends, and you have to have reservations. The rest of the town was pretty well shut down for the holiday. So, it was on to Temple to have a late lunch at Megg’s. I had Crab Cakes Benedict (again), and Don had awesome fish and chips. I had to pass up the Gingerbread Pancakes, because my pancake buddies weren’t there to help me eat them. Next time, it will happen! And by the way, the Cocoamoda truffles – unbelievably good.