This morning was a push to get everything done. After the way the guys ate last night, I worried that the strata and biscuits might not curb their hunger until dinner. Of course, I decided to worry and think about that, instead of sleeping, which isn’t a good plan when you’re working 12 hour days.
Arriving at the lodge, ready to rock and roll, somehow in one hour, I made 4-5 lbs of fried potatoes and onions, 2 pans of beer biscuits, a pound and a half of bacon, and baked off the strata. These are serious eaters, because there was very little left.
I started the spaghetti sauce for the lasagna later in the week. Then I moved on to dinner items. I made a pork butt using the Country Style Pork Ribs recipe. To go with it, there was cornbread, and roasted zucchini. We had the same shortbread cookies from the night before, and I made more cookie dough to bake the rest of the week. In addition, I made an avocado salsa to snack on before dinner, and banana bread to eat before they hunt in the morning.
They requested I continue cooking until next Wed. So I rearranged my schedule with Dot, and have someone filling in for me there. I’m supposed to be doing an interview with a local TV station on Dec 12th and I haven’t really figured out what to do with that yet. I’ll have to sleep on it (hopefully, rather than stay awake all night thinking about it)!