We’ve had to say goodbye to a few of the veggies in the yard and greenhouse. The kale and asparagus are joining lettuce and regular spinach as past season. But now the Swiss Chard, broccoli, and tomatoes are producing. I even plucked a couple puff ball mushrooms from the yard, for a quick soup today. And I have a friend and neighbor that shared their doughnut peaches with us (they are exceptionally delicious).
The cucumbers, green beans, okra, and squash are just getting started. I planted them late, to try to avoid most of the bug problems.
As for salads, we have plenty of Malabar spinach (summer spinach), lamb’s quarter, dandelion greens, sorrel, arugula, and purslane.
Purslane (or moss rose), grows plentifully, and wild in our yard. Somehow, I ended up with a whole pot of it in the backyard. It’s great raw or cooked, and has a little lemony flavor. It’s really rich in omega-3s. When I cook it, I prepare it like I would spinach, it needs very little cooking – just until it wilts.