We’re pretty consistent with our vegetable production this year. I planted squash late to avoid the squash bugs, and so far it’s been successful. I harvested our first white squash this week. There’s a volunteer butternut squash plant that came up from one of the compost stacks, and it’s started producing. Of course, I harvested a green squash from it, before I figured out that it was butternut. And I can tell you that when green butternut is cooked, it tastes just like summer squash! I’ve harvested the first Italian green beans, and I hope this year is as productive as last year.
There are volunteer tomato plants in a few places, and I’m getting ready to harvest the first ripe tomatoes from them. I’ve let all the tomato plants grow wild, instead of caging them. It makes for an interesting garden!
The greenhouse has really amazed me. I’m shocked that things are really growing in that heat. Don screened a large area on the back side to open it up. I spray things down with water every night. When I say I spray things, I mean, I blast things with water every night. It’s the best bug killer, and preventer I’ve found. Now, the red kale is starting to produce again, after it looked like it was almost dead. This week, I cooked a big pot of it.
In addition, in the greenhouse, the swiss chard is doing well, along with the malabar spinach (growing in the rafters), cucumbers (in the rafters), green peppers, carrots, and hopefully eggplant. Here are a few pictures.

I bought a Meyer Lemon and a Clementine tree on sale, and the Meyer Lemon started blooming like crazy, when I finally potted it. We’ll see if it actually produces. I noticed that my sweet dachshund, Dixie, is in the background, hunting lizards, I’m sure!