We’re staying on the river in downtown Sacramento. We have a room facing the river. There’s beautiful vegetation, but the bank is so high, you can’t see over it! The restaurant find was Magpie. It has a seasonal menu with pastured pork, free range chicken, local and seasonal veggies. We had fried pork belly with figs and frisee greens, and chicken with potatoes, spinach, ginger sauce, and crusty bread. It was amazing. Don took a filled carrot cake cookie with him!

We planned to do nothing in Sacramento, except eat. Instead we took a day trip to San Francisco. We hadn’t been to SF, since we were first married, and we were feeling a bit nostalgic, I guess. Typically, we’re not that type of people! If you’re feeling like you want to plan a trip to San Francisco, in a word, DON’T! What a nightmare. The traffic is horrible, and parking is impossible. We spent a little time in Golden Gate Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, and Ghirardelli Square. It was foggy, so no pictures (that Don liked). And, it was so crowded, we ended up just messing around in the Apple store. We managed to do some serious damage to our bank account there! Then there was the one and a half hour drive back to Sacramento that took us 4 hours. We went immediately to deVere’s Irish Pub in downtown Sacramento. It was a great spot. I had really good fish and chips, and Don had one of the most delicious reubens I’ve ever tasted. Of course, we went there for the liquid refreshments, which may explain why there are no pictures. However, we did get pictures of lunch in San Francisco. It was sushi, and I know how exciting those will be for you!!